Having started the idea of a Men's Shed on Hayling Island, 21 men turned up to a public meeting in November 2015 and have since continued to meet every Thursday afternoon, barring breaks at Christmas, Easter and August.
After searching Hayling Island for an unused building or a piece of land, the elders and members of the South Hayling United Reformed Church came to our rescue in June 2016 to allow us to establish ourselves on a piece of unused ground at the rear of the church.
We then started long and protracted discussions with the Wessex URC Synod Trust and Havant Borough Council Planning and Building Control departments as to the size and type of building they would allow.
We received charity status from the Charity Commission in 2016.
In May 2018, the Trust agreed to plans and drawings we submitted, and allowed us to go ahead.
We received planning consent in October 2018.
The shed was delivered in May 2019 and was erected within a week. We are now doing what is needed for us to open it for regular use by members.
To fund our shed, we raised nearly £60,000 and we are very grateful to all those who contributed then and indeed continue to do so.
The planned official opening in 2020 had to be postponed due to the restrictions in place around Covid-19, The shed opened when appropriate during the pandemic but once restrictions were lifted we were pleased to present a functioning shed to our members.
The rescheduled official opening took place on May 4th 2022 and was officiated by the Duke of Richmond & Gordon.
The shed continues to grow and is becoming an active part of the wider community on Hayling Island.
Shed construction in pictures
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